There is something about taking a stroll in the park or woods near a lake or pond. To be one with nature by opening your senses and listening to the sounds of nature, smelling the sweet aroma of nature like pine trees, oaks and others. Keeping your eyes opened for birds and other animals. Making sure to take a pair of binoculars and a camera if possible.

When I started to commiserate  with nature and took an appreciation of birds and wildlife in general, now that I come to think of it, wasn’t as enjoyable as today because of how I obfuscated the process and only focus on taking photographs. Don’t get me wrong I still love photography, and the process of taking good landscape and wildlife stills. It’s just that now sometimes just taking a stroll in the woods with binoculars is more than enough.
I have a small backyard, and even then I was able to make it work for a small bird feeder and water bath. After installing these items in my backyard, it’s been one enjoyment I indulge in and spend time watching birds come by. All kind of small birds usually stop by my backyard, from  tufted titmouse, cardinals, to blue jays and even wrens. Watching their interaction and behavior is fun on how they take turns in the feeder and how the different kind of birds respect each other's time at the feeder.

For sometime now I’ve been enjoying following the seasons, and looking for Owls, Osprey, Hawks and Eagle’s nests. I usually scout websites, social media sites for like minded people, as they shared lots of information on the location of nests and other information. It’s fun to carefully and cautiously approach these places where these birds nest and lay their eggs. One has to be careful to not disturb the animals in their natural environment, always use powerful binoculars and long telephoto lenses so to keep a safe distance from the nest.

My experience has taught me some birds behaviors. Small warblers are most likely to be seen an hour or two after sunrise or an hour before sunset, although I’ve noticed they are more active in the morning.

Birds of prey like Osprey and Hawks are sometimes  better to see earlier in the morning depending on how cold the weather is. When it’s too cold, it takes them an hour or so after sunrise in order to start activities. Although I’ve seen red shoulder hawks at all times of the day.

Owls are different behavioral type of birds, they are mostly nocturnal. They will nap during the day although I’ve seen some barred owls hunting during the day.

Great Horned Owls are fun to watch and photograph. They are nocturnal but you can catch a glimpse an hour before sunset and up to half an hour after sunrise. They are active around these times, and can be heard hooting to their partner making it easier to locate.

I am following a couple of great horned owls that are nesting in a park near me. They nest between the month of January, February and March. It is January now and we think they already laid their eggs as there is always one of them in the nest. I am planning in going back in a week to check on them to see if the eggs hatched.
Spotting the Eastern Screech-Owl is not easy, the only time I was able to see one was because someone else spotted it; I was lucky enough to be in the vicinity. They are tiny compare to Barred or Great Horned Owls, 6 to 10 inches. The one I saw was no more than 8 inches, sitting in a small tree on a branch no more than seven feet from the ground. It was really a joy to see it, and I was able to take a photograph.

I am planning a trip to Costa Rica this year, hopefully I can make it and take lots of photographs. I will post a blog about this trip soon.

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